Terms and conditions



  • Client: the natural or legal person who instructs the contractor to provide services.
  • Contractor: Language Helps


  • These terms and conditions apply to all offers made by the contractor and to all offers made by the contractor to the client.


  • All  quotations are given without obligation, unless a period for acceptance is stated in the said quotation. Offers are valid for a period of 30 days, unless otherwise stated. Language Helps is only bound by the offers if acceptance thereof is confirmed by the client within 30 days.


  • All participants receive a certificate at the end of a course, on which the level achieved is stated in accordance with the applicable European Framework.
  • Certification is only possible if participant(s) attended at least 70% of the entire course.


  • The agreed price does not include VAT, travel and material costs (0.28 per kilometer).
  • Payment must be made prior to the start of the course.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the price remains unchanged during the term of the contract.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the client is obliged to pay within 30 days of the invoice date.


  • In the event of illness, force majeure or other unforeseen circumstances on the part of Language Helps, the contractor immediately notifies the client and Language Helps reserves the right to suspend or cancel a contract, in whole or in part, without being obliged to pay any compensation. The client is obliged to purchase the part of the assignment that has already been carried out and reimburse invoices for costs incurred.


  • During and after the conclusion of the contract, both parties are obliged to maintain secrecy concerning information that has been (or could have been) divulged under the contract of which the confidential nature is evident.


  • Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, Language Helps retains all intellectual property rights on assignments carried out by Language Helps.


  • Cancellation of a course must be made known in writing and is possible without costs up to four weeks prior to the start of the assignment. Half of the fee will be charged from four to two weeks prior to the start. If a course is cancelled less than two weeks before the start of the assignment, Language Helps will charge the costs already incurred (preparation, material costs, etc.) as well as  compensation for loss of profit.
  • Notification of cancellation of a session during a course must be given no later than 48 hours in advance, otherwise it will be charged. A course must be completed within one year.


  • All agreements concluded by Language Helps are governed by Dutch law.